The Grassroots Alternative Movement (GAM), is a social justice, political and advocacy organization committed to building a just society in Liberia with the tenets of fair play, equality, and justice.

•  GAM is a social justice, political and  advocacy organization committed to building a just society in Liberia with the tenets of fair play, equality, and justice; 
•  The need exists for Liberians to fully understand their roles, rights and responsibilities  for the promotion and attainment of good governance; 
•  The need exists to foster patriotism, good citizenship, and productivity for the overall  welfare and good image of Liberia; 
•  Corruption as a cancer has become normalized in Liberia, effectively undermining the  development of our country and there is an opportunity to turn this nightmare around by good and well meaning Liberians at home and abroad; 
•  The attainment of genuine peace and reconciliation is dependent upon the full  implementation of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report and the impartial application of the rule of law;

The objectives of the GAM shall be, but not limited to: 
1. Encourage genuine peace and reconciliation in Liberia and amongst Liberians in the diaspora;
2. Promote the impartial application of the rule of law and good governance;
3. Promote economic recovery and national development efforts;
4. Promote good citizenship and productivity;
5. Fight corruption and promote the equitable distribution of resources. 

GAM is committed to building a just society in Liberia with the tenets of fair play, equality, and justice.

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